The aging process of people begins on average from the age of 25. This is because with increasing age, the competence of cells degrades in a creeping process. But with age you will become wiser so it is not bad to look your age. It shows how much experience you have at Bizzo Casino. However, you are not completely at the mercy of this process. With the right behaviors, you can actually counteract aging. Above all, nutrition plays an important role in this.

Nutrition against aging: When you eat is crucial. A balanced diet keeps the cells in the body fit. However, when you eat also matters. According to various experts, the main thing that helps against aging is a diet that is right for the cells. In this way, cell health can be positively influenced. This is because only 20 percent is predetermined by innate genetics; the rest can be controlled by yourself through the daily reprogramming of epigenetics. Four behaviors can help keep the body young.
Food against aging – Stay young thanks to:
- cocoa,
- berries,
- nuts,
- pomegranate,
- spinach
- Dark chocolate

1. dietary tip against aging: with interval fasting cells can regenerate.
When eating, you should not only pay attention to healthy foods: The timing of food intake also plays a crucial role. Experts recommend interval fasting, for example. This involves eating two meals within eight hours. Small snacks or snacks in between should be avoided at all costs. Then you take a 16-hour break from eating. The cells can cleanse and regenerate during this phase.
Especially at the beginning of the changeover to Intermittent Fasting, you may feel more tired and lacking in energy. After all, the body needs its time to get used to the change. Every time you feel hungry in this case, liquid can help. For example, drink water in sufficient quantities. But green tea is also recommended because of its substances relevant to longevity.
2nd diet tip against aging: Fiber-rich food for a healthy intestinal flora
Also pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet during interval fasting. It keeps the cells fit and ultimately forms the foundation for a long life. Because with the right foods, you can slow down the aging process. A diet rich in fiber has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. Foods such as beet, apples, leeks, cashews and parsnips can act like a kind of fertilizer on the bacteria that have settled in the gut. This can contribute to a diverse microbiome. This helps regenerate the nerves while curbing the development of other diseases.
3. nutritional tip against aging: strengthen sirtuins – via food or supplements
Sirtuins are enzymes that are involved in important processes in the body, such as muscle building and fat burning. At the same time, they promote cell renewal and repair DNA damage. These form on the chromosomes during the natural aging process. In this way, sirtuins help to keep the body young. They can be activated via so-called polyphenols in certain foods.